Barely Legal is a live cast which performs The Rocky Horror Picture Show every Saturday night at midnight! Barely Legal got their start in Berkeley in 1995, and currently performs weekly at the Parkway Cinema in Oakland. The Parkway is the perfect venue for Barely Legal's sleek, fun, exciting, professional show with its beautiful stage, comfortable couches, and incredible environment. The theatre serves delicious pizza, snacks and soda. Come watch Rocky Horror in style!
Barely Legal puts on a very professional show complete with full stage props, incredible performances, exciting pre-shows, and audience participation. You can find the show every Saturday night at the Parkway Cinema at 1834 Park Blvd, Oakland, CA. Tickets are only $7. Come to the Parkway for the best Rocky Horror experience you've ever had! This show is 17 and Older Only, I.D.'s will be checked at the door, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Official Website:
Added by ninjasavant on December 22, 2007