June 1, 2011 is International Children’s Day, and I am participating and encouraging others to take part in the third annual Barefoot Challenge, where we live life without shoes to raise awareness about child poverty worldwide.
During the last eight years, I have met hundreds of children who walk miles barefoot every day to fetch water, work on their farm or go to school in developing countries all over the world. It made me think of what life would be like without something young people in Canada take for granted.
Over the last two years, thousands from around the world kicked off their shoes and participated. This time, it’s going to be bigger than ever before. So on June 1st, leave your shoes at home. And if someone asks you why you’re going barefoot, tell them because millions of children in the world go barefoot every day.
Encourage them to donate to a children’s charity like UNICEF (www.unicef.ca), who I support. Talk to your teacher and get your class or entire school to take part.
Sign up to the Barefoot Challenge Facebook Page, email me at bilaal@makingchangenow.com and tell me what you’re up to, and feel free to post photos of you and your friends going barefoot on June 1st on the Facebook page.
Remember, “Together We Can Make A Difference!”
Official Website: http://www.makingchangenow.com
Added by Bilaal Rajan on May 29, 2011