We're proud to announce our second BarCamp (dangerously close to being "annual"). BarCamps are ad-hoc unconferences where the campers (you) determine what's on the schedule. These ad-hoc unconferences are intense events with discussions, demos, and a chance to interact with fellow attendees. Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to participate.
Cost: It's free! But everyone is encouraged to present something and be involved, even if you're never given a talk before.
Topics: So far, we're expecting topics ranging from opensource business to the JQuery Javascript library to next generation communications. Ultimately each camper has an opportunity to help determine the content.
You can register and find out more information about BarCamp Grand Rapids at http://barcamp.org/BarCampGrandRapids2, or about BarCamps in general at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp
Official Website: http://www.barcamp.org/BarCampGrandRapids2
Added by Dave Brondsema on June 9, 2007