30-31 North Street
Brighton, England BN1 1EB

--> BarCamp Brighton is an unconference to be held on the weekend after dConstruct, 8-9 Sept 2007 at Madgex's offices, 30-31 North St., Brighton (capacity: 100). The goal of this (the first) BarCamp Brighton is to bring together tech professionals in Brighton and people in town for dConstruct to learn and cowork. BarCamp Brighton is a two day event: if you like you can sleepover on the Saturday night. Just bring a sleeping bag and camp mat as you'll be sleeping on the floor.

Unlike many conferences you may have been to, a BarCamp is free and all content is provided by the attendees. There are no spectators, only participants. Attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one, or otherwise volunteer / contribute in some way to support the event. BarCamp is 100% non-commercial, non-profit and community driven. No one is paid for their time, no one is charged to come and no profits are made.

--> Tickets open on 8 August, at 11am
Mail barcampbrighton at googlemail dot com if you'd like to be reminded by email. If you want to come along, we'd recommend registering early. Ticketing will be via Event Wax and we'll provide a URL nearer the time. Go here to register (from 11am). Note: sadly, being marked as "attending" or "watching" at upcoming is no guarantee of a ticket. Sold out in 22 minutes. Sorry everyone who missed out.

--> Sponsorship Packages

--> If you managed to get hold of a ticket, there's a plotting meetup at the Belle Vue, next Monday 20 Aug, 6-9pm

--> There will be a small release of handed back tickets on Wednesday 29 August at 11am, and here: http://tinyurl.com/29uoar

Official Website: http://barcamp.org/BarCampBrighton

Added by mattweston on March 9, 2007

Interested 211