We’re happy to announce that BarCampLondon8 will be held at City University in Clerkenwell this November 13th / 14th. Below you will find answers to some questions you are bound to have, but if you have any more please email help@barcamplondon.org.
Why November?
With summer fast approaching, we expect lots of people to be taking holidays and generally enjoying the great British weather. Also we want students from City University to be involved and November will be the first time the building is free in the new term. November also gives us plenty of time to plan for an awesome BarcampLondon8.
How do I get a ticket and what happens to original BCL8 ticket holders?
We will be announcing full ticketing details closer to the event, however we have guaranteed priority tickets for the 154 people who signed up for the original June date, and we expect to release a lot more to go along with them. Those with June tickets will receive an email during October with details on how this will work.
City University?
City University London is a principal provider of undergraduate, postgraduate, professional and vocational education in the United Kingdom. The University is committed to leading London in education, research and knowledge transfer for businesses and the professions and is renowned for its international focus and the employability of its graduates. The University attracts over 21,000 students from 156 countries, while teaching staff are drawn from nearly 50 international locations, ensuring that the University has a truly international outlook. City University London was founded in 1894 as the Northampton Institute and was awarded full university status in 1966. Please see the following link for more information www.city.ac.uk
How can I get involved?
We will be holding an open meeting at 7pm on August 3rd at City University’s Social Sciences building and we invite anyone who’s interested in helping organise to come along. If you cant make the meeting dont forget to join the planning group on Google.
I would like to sponsor, or pay for beer or t-shirts, etc!
Brilliant! We’d love to talk to you. Just drop Cristiano an email on cbetta@gmail.com or feel free to call him on 07518 397784
Official Website: http://eight.barcamplondon.org/
Added by Kim Partridge on July 13, 2010