"Admission is Free!
Please join us for what will be the Ultimate Obama Event in Boulder and Fire Up for the 2 Week countdown to Caucus Colorado! Let's get the word out!
Invite your friends, neighbors and anybody who believes in Barack Obama or wants to learn more! For an entire evening we will rock Colorado with live music, food, fun and real-time insight from people who have been part of this momentous campaign from the start. If you already a supporter or even if you are undecided and desire more information about the candidate, all are welcome. Gear up for the Colorado Caucus on Feb 5th and learn why others support Obama or simply celebrate the man who we trust will be the next great President of these United States.
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Please note: This event is open to all ages, however, all attendees will be carded at the door and the All Fox Theater and Obama for America rules and regulations will apply. Security bracelets will be provided for Alcohol consumption."
Official Website: http://bouldergrassroots.com/
Added by jdfalk on December 26, 2007