1013 Park Avenue
Columbia, Missouri

Barack Obama Benefit featuring Witch's Hat, Kodiak, Stingrays - $5 / 8:30 pm
Sat. December 8

If four dudes who grew up on vintage metal like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest resided in NYC during the dance-punk explosion, they'd either throw full beers at the Rapture every time they took the stage, or they'd start a band that sounds like Witch's Hat. That's right — somehow a band has found a way to combine big guitars, a crafty rhythm section, half-shouted vocals and lyrics about octopuses, dragon slayers, vampires and aliens into a great record. So how do they combine the fist-pumping machismo of metal with the too-cool-for-school hip of dance punk? Well, they don't. Witch's Hat casts off both those genres' prerequisites, instead creating a vibe that is both irony- and posturing-free. Sure, the fantasy lyrics can't be serious, but they seem to come more from the realm of goofy good times than from masculine assertion or tongue-in-cheek pretentiousness, and the music seems to work the same way. The funky bass lines aren't a demonstration of virtuosity, just a push onto the dance floor, while the bravado behind lyrics about robots aren't a display of testosterone, just a way to keep rocking — the only goal that Witch's Hat seems to have. -The Cleveland Free Times

Official Website: http://www.mojoscolumbia.com/

Added by LReid on November 20, 2007

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