The dark winter months can be a difficult time for almost anyone living in the New England. Fortunately, the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda offers a number ways to chase away the mid-winter blues.
In this workshop, you'll learn:
* Easy and effective tools for healing & balancing your body type
* How to uncover habits that are sabotaging your health & well being
* Insightful, everyday ways to radically boost energy levels and reduce depression
* Simple lifestyle and nutrition tips that can enhance your immune system
Participants will learn a simple 20 minute yoga practice, sample an Indian ayurvedic dish and watch a neti pot demonstration. No previous yoga experience is necessary.
Presented by Raven Sadhaka Seltzer is a yoga therapist and wellness consultant in the Boston area with over 20 years experience. She is author of the new book "Get Your Low Back on Track: 30 Days to a Healthier Spine".
$25 for non-members; may use your Arlington Center class card for this event.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 25, 2009