220 Vesey Street
New York City, New York

Bang on a Can brings its 25 Year celebration back downtown with its incomparable 12-hour super-mix of boundary-busting music from around the corner and around the globe. This year’s edition features rare performances by some of the most innovative musicians of our time side-by-side with some of today’s newest music pioneers, including the Bang on a Can All-Stars, cello diva Maya Beiser, Pauline Oliveros and the Deep Listening Band, Dither, The Guidonian Hand, Talujon, TwoSense, Ashley Bathgate, Vicky Chow, Kris Davis, Vijay Iyer, Kaki King, Michael Lowenstern, Alvin Lucier, Todd Reynolds, and many more. The 2012 Marathon includes music by Gregg August, Eve Beglarian, Oscar Bettison, Michael Gordon, Gérard Grisey, Michael Harrison, David Lang, David T. Little, David Longstreth, Alvin Lucier, Thurston Moore, Conlon Nancarrow, Steve Reich, Lois V Vierk, Julia Wolfe, Evan Ziporyn, and many more! Presented by River To River Festival, Arts Brookfield, and Bang on a Can. For the complete Marathon schedule, visit www.bangonacan.org.

Sunday, June 17
Noon - Midnight
World Financial Center Winter Garden
220 Vesey Street, NYC

Official Website: http://bangonacan.org

Added by christinajensen on May 30, 2012