As Maryland's largest producers-only market, visitors can enjoy a one-of-a-kind shopping experience with economical prices. While strolling the market, shoppers can revel at the sight of the largest quantity of the freshest fruits and vegetables, organically raised and produced dairy products including a variety of cheeses, milk, yogurt and butter, and meats such as beef, pork, lamb, bison, chicken, turkey and capon; a complete selection of fresh fish, eggs, breads and pastries from Maryland area farmers, spices and salsas. In addition, food vendors add spice to the market with cultural cuisine, popular pit beef sandwiches, pastries, cheese, and gourmet treats. The bazaar offers shoppers a variety of unique crafts and collectibles great for gifts or home decor. Handmade items include jewelry, handbags, hair accessories, chairs, rugs, pottery and wooden crafts, stained glass, and artwork such as photographs. The Market is set up underneath the Jones Falls Expressway at Holliday and Saratoga streets
Added by Upcoming Robot on June 11, 2010