Organizer: The Lexington Institute. The Lexington Institute is putting together a Capitol Hill conference on post-Bush missile defense options. Some of the topics to be discussed include: Should and will the Democrats maintain their traditional emphasis on theater missile defense at the expense of national missile defense? Are there arms control strategies that could mitigate the need for some layers of a missile defense “shield”? Should more emphasis be put on sea-based missile defenses because of their operational and political flexibility? Can the US Navy play as well in national missile defense as it has in theater missile defense? Are platforms like SSGN and LPD-17 potential missile defense vessels? Rogue states have been the primary concern of our current national missile defense efforts. Should we also be undertaking efforts to more effectively deal with Chinese and Russian missiles? Will expanded US missile defense efforts cause China to expand its nuclear deterrent? What comes after Ground-based Mid-course Defense? What are the prospects for the European Third Site? Are there additional potential expansions for GMD?
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Added by insideronline on June 10, 2008