The magical story of Clara and her Nutcracker-turned-prince has captured the imagination of generations of enthusiastic audiences. Ballet West is one of the only companies in the world to continue to use some child dancers as part of the professional performances. Ballet West's professional company will delight young and old.
The Nutcracker Ballet is something that Utah families have included in their holiday traditions year after year. Children of all ages, but mostly aged three and older will be enchanted by the beauty and magic of this exquisite ballet
For those who choose to attend the Christmas Eve performance, Dec 24 at noon, come ready for some subtle Christmas-Eve- only surprises that are sure to sweeten this holiday treat. Every year is a new year for this all-time Utah holiday favorite.
For single tickets, call: 801-355-ARTS or visit
For groups of 10 or more, call: 801-323-6966
Official Website:
Added by YerkesDodsonCurve on November 30, 2008