‘a devastating must-see’ zero degrees The Evening Standard
We are all voyagers. Born into this world, embodied, we can only move forwards. But we are also all carriers. We are all bahok. We carry with us our genetic and cultural inheritance, our experiences, our dreams and aspirations. All stories are about the journey of our body through life: its birth and origin, the search and quest for its identity, its transformation, its death. All stories are both unique and universal. Regardless of our cultural background our stories resemble each other and reveal the same underlying themes.
In bahok, the latest company piece by Akram Khan, he brings together eight dancers from very diverse cultural backgrounds: Chinese, Korean, Indian, Slovakian, South-African, and Spanish. In one of this globalized world’s transit zones they come together. They try to communicate, to exchange their sstories, their memories of home.
‘a display of fluidity, speed and whirring power that is so sensational it takes the breath away’
sacred monsters The daily telegraph
‘an exhilarating evening of humour, charm and extraordinary tenderness’
The Sunday Telegraph
Official Website:
Added by labanonline on September 28, 2009