66 6th St
San Francisco, California 94103


This month check out classic
Films Of The Late, Lamented Patrick Swayze

Fri Sept 14: Point Break
Fri Sept 21: Roadhouse
Fri Sept 28: Dirty Dancing

Doors at 7p, show at 8p, Free! (donations appreciated). Satellite 66 Gallery, 66 Sixth St at Mission. 21up. 

Plentiful adult beverages available to help you make it through the movie.  Heckling is encouraged.

And plan to join us in October for The Films Of Kevin Costner.

This month's SOMA BAG featured artist is Ben  Collison! (bencollison.com)

Come check out the finest Bad Art as curated from elite flea markets, thrift stores and dumpsters throughout the Bay Area.

SOMA BAG is open Sept 13-14, 20-21, 27-28 from 7p-12a. 66 Sixth St at Mission.

Featured art:

"Awaiting the Return (Snacktime in Toledo)"
By Arlene Smokler
Materials: canvas, watercolors, Burt's Bees lip balm
Jesus, upon his crucifixion, swore he'd return to walk the earth again. Two millennia later, an androgynous senior citizen waits patiently for the Nazarene to fulfill his promise. His/her edges are blurred to signify the grace which radiates from the most loyal of Christ's followers. The red polka dot sofa sprouts spectral wings, symbolizing Jesus' ascension to heaven all those years ago. And the uneaten, oversized Bugle snack treat, literally dripping with tasty goodness, represents the hunger for answers that burns inside the faithful. - Artistologist David Cairns


Interested in renting Satellite 66 Gallery for a show of your own? Maybe pop up retail? A class? Your Wedding? Bar Mitzvah? Anything at all! Email jeff@sfindie.com for details. Rates start at $250/weekend.


Official Website: http://www.sfindie.com

Added by Jeff Ross on September 13, 2012