Unless you have plenty of business, too many friends and can't use any more of either, come to this session!
Do you believe you've already fully tapped your network for referrals, resources, and contacts? If you regularly attend BACN meetings, you're surrounded by intelligent, experienced, supportive professionals who may not even know what you do. Now is the time to get their networks to work for you.
BACN members tell us they want more time to talk to each other. Our November session will be entirely devoted to helping you meet and get better acquainted with other members of the group. With almost two hours for structured networking, you'll have time to meet more people, get to know them better, and discover how you can help each other's clients.
Here's an opportunity to
* Get tips on dealing with issues facing your own consulting practice
* Take on larger projects by collaborating with other BACN members
* Create a team of people who are ready and willing to help you connect to prospects
* Establish a network of sounding boards for your new business ideas
* Learn what your colleagues do that may benefit your clients-without competing with your own work.
When this morning's meeting is over, you will have launched new and meaningful professional relationships that you'll want to continue by phone, online, or face to face.
About the Speaker:
Nora is the principal of Nora Wolfson Consulting - a bi-coastal consultancy for partnerships, providing strategic leadership coaching and mentoring. Combining her expertise in psychology and business, Nora helps clients quickly confront and deal with obstacles to business growth so that revenue increases. Nora became a BACN board member some years ago prompted by her desire to foster interaction and support within our community. Learn more about Nora's work at www.norawolfsonconsulting.com
Official Website: http://BACNetwork.com
Added by FullCalendar on November 9, 2010