Kids Under 3 Are Free!
The Barker of Seville is a musical comedy about 2 aspiring young opera singers named Rufus Raindog and Rosa Bush. Rufus and Rosa work in a restaurant while auditioning and practicing; preparing themselves for a real opera role. At one audition Rosa gets a small part while Rufus runs afoul of the melodramatically sinister Leonardo Vespucci Provologni Hold the Mustard Fulla Bologna, the self proclaimed "World's Greatest Opera Singer." Rufus begins to doubt his abilities but through the help of his teacher, the delightfully wacky Dr. Bonehead, Rufus regains his confidence and in spite of Leonardo's devious plot, Rufus prevails and realizes his dreams.
See "Program Notes" for The Barker of Seville Study Guide!
Official Website:
Added by StrathmoreMusic on July 13, 2010