Back to the Family
exploring the complexities of modern parenting
with internationally acclaimed family psychologist Dr. Ray Guarendi.
These adjectives come to mind after hearing Dr. Ray Guarendi speak: dynamic, innovative, unforgettable, humorous. He reaches people personally.
Jay Paris. Sr. EditorOhio Magazine
Dr. Ray Guarendi is a father of 10, clinical psychologist, author, public speaker and radio host. His experience includes school districts, mental health centers, substance abuse programs, inpatient psychiatric centres, juvenile courts, and a private practice.Dr. Guarendi has been a regular guest on international radio and television, including Oprah, and CBS This Morning. He has written several books, including Discipline That Lasts a Lifetime, Youre a Better Parent Than You Think!, and, now in its 25th printing, Back to the Family. His newest book is Good Discipline, Great Teens.
Visit Dr. Guarendis Website www.drray.com
Conference Topics
You're a Better Parent Than You Think!
You're a Better Teacher Than You Think!
Parents, teachers and anyone who works with children today are having their confidence, peace of mind, and authority undercut by a number of widespread myths that have been pushed upon them by the experts, the media and almost everybody else. Victimized by these false notions, many parents and educators are plagued by groundless worry, guilt and frustration. This presentation identifies several of the most pervasive of these myths.
Back to the Family
Back to the Family presents the results of a three-year, national search for strong families. It reveals those characteristics most common to strong families as well as the struggles and difficulties most families face. The results will reinforce some traditional ideas about family life while offering some reassuring surprises.
8:00 am
Check in
9:00 am
WelcomeDr. John Yun
9:15 am
1st TalkDr. Guarendi
10:15 am
11:15 am
2nd TalkDr. Guarendi
12:15 am
Babysitting is limited. A nominal charge will be applied. Please bring your childs/childrens favorite toy and snack.Let us know by the registration cut-off date if you will be bringing children. For more information contact 604-329-8850 or send us an email (see
http://pife.ca/contact.php ).
Allow us to insist: babysitting is limited. Please help us by letting us know as soon as possible if you will be bringing children and how many. Thank you for your help.
Organized by PIFE Pacific Institute of Family EducationThePACIFIC INSTITUTE OF FAMILY EDUCATIONis a non-profit organization whose aim is to support parents in their role as primary educators of their children by providing education and information on the upbringing of children, through lectures, seminars, discussion groups, and resource materials. For more information please visit our website atwww.pife.ca.
Ticket Info: Regular, C$50.00
Official Website: http://pife-back-to-the-family-upcoming.eventbrite.com