In celebration of 2012 the International Year of Cooperatives as declared by the United Nations, Ypsilanti Food Coop presents:
"Back to the Coop Future: Early Roots."
We will show part of the film "Here Is Tomorrow," and historian David Choberka will talk about cooperatives' history as an innovative business model in the USA and Europe.
Why innovative? Why alternative? Why Co-ops?
• Cooperative enterprises are member-owned, member-serving and member-driven
• Cooperatives empower people
• Cooperatives improve livelihoods
• Cooperatives enable sustainable development
• Cooperatives promote rural development
• Cooperatives balance social and economic need
• Cooperatives promote democratic principles
• Cooperatives provide a pathway out of poverty for women
• Cooperatives: a sustainable business model for youth
Added by wombbat on September 11, 2012