Back Back Back is a rollicking saga of two of America's greatest pastimes: baseball and running from the past. In a tense drama spanning two turbulent decades of modern baseball history, acclaimed playwright Itamar Moses penetrates the sensational headlines to reveal the human reality of the sporting life and the complex pressures that lead some men to cheat. As the action moves swiftly from field to field, locker room to dugout, big league to expansion clubs, we follow the stories of three Major League players, with all the potential in the world. But the course of their baseball careers couldn't be more different. Does greatness always come with a price? Do nice guys really end up in seventh place? Can only someone with nothing to lose tell the whole truth? With its sharp wit, ironical twists and brilliant psychological insight, Back Back Back is a fresh new play that's certain to spark lively conversation.
Added by Upcoming Robot on March 17, 2009