We love the Baby Loves Disco events—a fun family-friendly kids event that Mom and Dad can enjoy too! BLD’s We Are Family Tour, presented by H&M (yes you can win some H&M gear!), is coming back to Boulder at Playdates at the Loft, Sunday June 3 from 12-2:30 pm. Real DJs spin G-rated dance tunes- it’s a riot to watch the little ones get down! There are also prizes, snacks, juice, and activities like temporary tattoos, make a family tree, get a mini manicure and egg shakers. Giant video screens show music videos AND shots of the crowd…kids love checking themselves out on the big screen! The first 50 people to buy tickets to the Boulder event with code MOM (in the promo box) will get the full BLD soundtrack download link emailed to them for free. Tickets are available at www.babylovesdisco.com/events. You can also check out their Facebook page (www.facebook.com/babylovesdisco) for videos and updates and the blog at http://thediscodiaries.com/.
I work for Miles Of Marketing and this information was provided to me by them (www.milesofmarketing.com). We are a group of moms passing along great information like this to other moms. Enjoy!
Added by LLR on May 19, 2012