Bay Area/Silicon Valley Baby Boomer Senior Expo
Resources for Baby Boomers and Beyond.
An opportunity for baby boomers, seniors, family of seniors and caregivers to meet experts.
This full day Expo and Seminars include topics such as:
affordable housing for independent living,
wealth creation,
home care assistance,
home improvements,
long term care,
real estate,
reverse mortgages,
estate planning and much more!
Free Admission - Free Parking
"The 50+market is America's fastest growing market segment. Approximately 1.5 million people over the age of 50 live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Those 65+ enjoy twice the discretionary income of people 25 to 34."
A little more about Baby Boomers...
77 million Americans who were 50 or older as of 2007 controlled 67% of the country's wealth. This group has $2.3 trillion in disposable income. Every 8 seconds, another Boomer turns 50.... 10,000 - 50 year olds are being created daily! Boomers can expect to live longer than any previous generation and the opportunity for services and products that will meet their future needs becomes apparent. Boomers are in a position to pay for such products and services. This group has money to spend. 50+ years old earn about $2 trillion annually and represent 50% of all discretionary spending. The most affluent consumer group that exists.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 19, 2012