298 Tiong Bahru Road, #03-02,
Singapore, Central Singapore

Expecting your first child? Wondering what to expect? Unsure how to prepare for your child’s first few months?

In this workshop, parents will learn how to create an environment conducive for your newborn and pick up tips on first-time parenting.

Come discover how to be both a parent to your child and a partner to your spouse!

The workshop comprises of 4 sessions:
1. 8 Oct – The Newborn: 0 to 3 months
- Dangers of child-centred parenting
- Baby’s routine & feeding pattern

2. 15 Oct – The Early Infant: 3 to 6 months
- Baby’s cries, growth & nutrition
- Parents’ role, balancing work and family

3. 22 Oct – The crawler: 6 to 9 months
- Baby’s brain development
- Setting limits and discipline

4. 29 Oct – The pre-toddler: 9 to 12 months
- Communicating through signing
- Couple and family time

To register, please email your name and contact number to phinehaser@fycs.org or call 6593 6456 for more information.

$60 per person, $40 per couple (price is quoted for 4 sessions)

Added by aprw on September 19, 2011