3921 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, California 94306

"Ba-it" (Home)
By Neta Levi, Israeli Artist

Neta is an Israeli artist currently living in the Bay Area whose art is a collection of various materials on canvas. Fabrics are a great source of inspiration for her and she combines them with paper, beads, crayons, pastels and text. Her art is inspired by Jewish life, Israeli landscapes and personal childhood memories.

In this exhibit, Neta interprets the meaning of home. “As an Israeli who lives very far from my homeland, my family and my roots, I often think of what home means to me. In this show, I am going back to my home, to my memories, to my dreams... sometimes it's that castle I dream of, sometimes it's a childhood song or a long-loved book.”

You can view the artist's work at"

Exhibition Dates: Saturday, October 30-Tuesday, November 23
Location: Room E104
To schedule a viewing please call (650) 223-8699 or email boxoffice@paloaltojcc.org

Official Website: http://www.paloaltojcc.org/index.php?src=gendocs&ref=Ba-it_Exhibition%20&category=Cultural%20Arts&submenu=Film_Visual_Arts

Added by paris_apostolopoulos on November 1, 2010