1329 Huahai Lu (near hengshan lu)
Shanghai, Shanghai

Breakdance Battle featuring Lil Fizz from B2K (8/3) Preview at bonbon tonight! Dance crews of all ages come battle it out for some big prizes and all the glory. Summer Splashdown '07 hits the streets at Dino Beach on August 3rd, a Friday full of both daytime and night time activities and music for all to enjoy.

热带风暴第一界年度街舞盛事——热力四射街舞大赛预热活动今夜在club bonbon打响。本届街舞大赛吸引了全国各地的“舞林高手”登台亮相。8月3日,他们将为光荣与梦想而战,还有四万现金奖等你赢取!来自街舞组合B2K,身兼R&B歌手、舞者、演员三重身份的Lil Fizz将作为头号嘉宾为你献演。

DJ I-Dee (real name Isaac DeLima) is a DJ and turntablist born in Fairfax, Virginia in 1987. The turntable prodigy has emerged as one of the brightest and most successful DJs, also the first and youngest World Champion to come out of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area and United States. I-Dee began his DJ career in 1997 at the age of 10 and continued his journey over the years to build a foundation for himself in the DJ realm, which later most definitely paid off. At the age of 18, he has been traveling the globe to exotic places such as London, Czech Republic, Shanghai, Beijing and across the USA. As an official DJ for Warner Bros./Blacksmith Records hip-hop recording artist Jean Grae, he also collaborated with industrial rock recording artists Rites of Ash for his "Eclectic Dreams" music video. As of September 2006, he is currently signed to Premiere Artists Group alongside Z-Trip, Mixmaster Mike of the Beastie Boys, Roc Raida, Andy Smith of Portishead and the legendary DJ Qbert. Currently recording his debut album to be released on Adiar Cor Records in the Fall of 2007.

至今未满双十的刮碟天才少年I-Dee,10岁那年便开始了DJ生涯,曾荣获美国华盛顿地区最年轻的DJ大赛世界冠军头衔。18岁的时候,他的足迹已踏遍全球许多著名国家和城市,如美国、捷克、伦敦、上海、北京等地。作为Warner Bros和Blachmith厂牌的官方DJ,他与Jean Grae, Rites of Ash等知名音乐名人合作甚密。06年,I-Dee顺利晋级主流音乐大师们的队伍,与Z-Trip, Beastie Boys的Mixmaster Mike, Roc Raida, Portishead的Andy Smith和传奇刮碟大师Qbert齐名。I-Dee在Adiar Cor厂牌旗下的首张音乐大碟即将在07年秋季发行。

Male 88RMB, Female 50RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 3:30am
门票:男士88元,女士50元(畅饮时间: 晚8:30-凌晨3:30)

Official Website: http://www.clubbonbon.com

Added by wendyland on July 29, 2007