1 Sekforde Street, EC1R 0BE
London, England

Ayende Rahien is a leading figure in the opensource .NET community, the man behind NHibernate and Castle and many other opensource .net projects, including Rhino Mocks, NHibernate Query Analyzer, Rhino Commons and more.

Meet him as he travels from Israel to London to teach his (very) intensive and fast-paced 3-day NHibernate workshop.

At this event, you will learn how to use this O/R mapping tool efficiently in your applications to save time and effort on communicating with database storage. During the course we build together a practical application that demonstrates all important data management patterns.

Please note that this course is very fast-paced, and expects a minimum of 12 months prior experience working with NHibernate, .NET and C#.


* Configure NHibernate for your applications
* Manage sessions and transactions
* Map objects and collections to database structures
* Use NHibernate Castle integration facilities
* Improve performance with advanced caching and loading options

To find out more and sign up, visit http://skillsmatter.com/course/open-source-dot-net/core-persistence-with-nhibernate/zx-1145

Official Website: http://skillsmatter.com/course/open-source-dot-net/core-persistence-with-nhibernate/zx-1145

Added by zackskillsmatter on October 27, 2010