Great FREE stand-up comedy show on May 26th, at 9:00pm at Lucky Jacks in the Lower East Side!!! The show is produced by Brendan Fitzgibbons (The Onion, McSweeney's) and Lance Weiss (Carolines on Broadway) with comedians from David Letterman, Vh1, MTV, The Onion, and Comedy Central. It's a free show! Come on out and laugh your faces off!
Kristeen von Hagen- (CTV One Hour Special, Comedy Central’s “Premium Blend”)
Justin Murray- (UG Comedy Show, Finalist – Waltz Astoria Superstar Contest)
Selena Coppock- (Comix Comedy Club, Boston Comedy Festival)
Leah Bonnema- (USO Tour in Iraq, XM Radio)
Alex Grubard- (Comix Comedy Club, Travels Nationally)
Ryan Hamilton- (Rolling Stone’s “Five Comics to Watch”, Comedy Central)
Directions: Lucky Jacks is located at 129 Orchard Street. Take the F to Delancey, go west on Delancey toward Ludlow, turn right onto Orchard street.
Official Site:
Added by brendan.fitzgibbons on May 21, 2010