Awakening to the Cosmic Womb:
Reclaiming Earth and Universe as Virgin Mothers
Free lecture by Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D.
Author, The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece
and Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity
Is the Universe a Uterus? Yes, said the ancients, and even science is beginning to confirm this idea. In this new and power-packed presentation, Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., brings forth ever-more-penetrating mystical understandings of Gaia and the Great Cosmic Mother. Weaving her trusted scholarship on the ancient Greeks with cutting-edge science and her own spiritual teachings, she:
* compares ancient and modern theories of a "Mother Universe" that gives birth to other universes
* relates ancient beliefs to fascinating discoveries regarding black holes
* proposes a holographic theory of "universe as uterus," based on fractal mathematics
* explores how this parallels the ancient conception of the Cosmic Sophia as "womb," and other goddesses as Virgin Mothers
* offers new insights on why the oracle at Delphi was considered a "womb," and how this relates to women's oracular ability
* provides further links between women's womb magic and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades/Seven Mothers of the World
* reveals energetic connections between women's wombs, Gaia, and the Cosmic Womb to be used for healing, prophecy, and service
Bring your curiosity, wisdom, and seeing to this cosmic group event! RSVP to so that we are sure to reserve a seat for you.
PARKING AT HILLSIDE SWEDENBORGIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH: There's a 15-car lot on the grounds, plus 15 spaces in the Peter Pan playground
that is also on the property, and plenty of street parking. Please be sensitive to the neighbors.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 30, 2011