35 Wyman St.
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

Awakening the Light Body with Tantric Shamanism
April 13th INTRODUCTION in Jamaica Plain, MA

Interpenetrating and surrounding our physical body is a body of light. This light body contains all of who we have been, who we are, and the potentiality for all that we may become. By creating a greater awareness of the light body and the energy vortexes of the chakras, we become more aware of those things that block our way to our highest potential, as well as achieve the ability to read the maps to our own greatness. In this workshop, you will learn how to journey into your own body for healing and enlightenment using Tantric and shamanic techniques to bring forward the pure spiritual force of your highest potential.

We're offering two programs. Friday and Saturday is an in depth experience that teaches techniques that will help you to access and harness powerful forces with in you designed to empower and transform your life in a positive way. Their regular application will help you to have more peace, balance, energy and a sense of personal mastery in your life.

Intro experience Friday night 7:30pm-10:30pm -$25

Offered by Sylvia Brallier
Author of Dancing in the Eye of Transformation
and the Director of The Tantric Shamanism Institute in Nevada.
Sylvia Brallier is the Director and Founder of the Tantric Shamanism Institute, and Author of the book Dancing in the Eye of Transformation, 10 Keys to Creative Consciousness She has been teaching healing and tantric shamanism workshops nationally and internationally for 19 years. Her work is based on her own experiences with both ancient and new techniques for the evolution of consciousness. She has a deep commitment to creating safe space for the deepest of transformations.

Sponsored by the wonderful heARTbeat Collective
617-522-3000, or email us at info@tantricshamanism.com to register.

Official Website: http://www.tantricshamanism.com/JPtantricshamanism.html%20

Added by harmonydawnpink on March 21, 2007

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