2101 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA
Los Angeles, California

"Awakening Into Grace" live & webcast, Sat. Apr 27 12:30 - 5:30 PM

In the last year, after 33 years as a very successful Spiritual Counselor, Michael Hayes has "come out of the shadows" into more public visibility. His perspective, from decades of out-of-body experiences is surprisingly fresh, unique and original.

Increasingly now he and his wife work with groups in the U.S., Australia and S. America. Alisha adds her own authentic angelic connection and communication. Their intention is to reach to anyone looking for awakening and healing, across any boundaries. I and most of my friends have had sessions with him and/or enjoyed their events-webcasts. These two are world-class ~ BD

From Alisha about live-webcast event of April 4-27 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM (PDT)

I hope you're well, dear one,

Michael and I will share more about how to avail ourselves to Grace and to become more aware of what keeps us bound to law.

Here's the link if you'd like more info or to register: www.MichaelHayesApril2013.eventbrite.com

Here's what our friends have shared about us and earlier events:

Michael is blessed with an extraordinary gift of spiritual awareness allowing him to see deeply into the heart of a situation. His clarity and compassion offer gateways to accelerated transformation. We known him for 25 years. When we have need, he's the person we call ~ Drs. Ron & Mary Hulnick, University of Santa Monica

I have not experienced the presence of spirit so strongly in years! I was honored to be there. My boyfriend and I feel profoundly changed from the experience ~ Tamsin Rothschild

I received so much clarity, healing, exoneration! What is present is 'Behold I make all things new' ~ Nathalie Franks

As soon as the first person spoke I began to cry and had a heart opening action. This lifting action continues and is assisting me in a light-hearted humorous way to be open to Spirit and keep my awareness on the Lord. More peace was brought into our family household ~ Mish-el Benjamin

I loved the lightness and energy of the event and enjoyed both Michael and Alisha's clarity and humbleness. While keeping in alignment with our spiritual teachings we attendees were provided with insight and inspiration that was uplifting and extremely clear! ~ David Raynr

I had the experience of being lifted into a very high place. I had the altitude to look down at my life. Each time I attend one of these events, I clear various things and open the door to greater dedication and awareness of my own divinity ~ Kathleen Safron

Loving was talked about AND demonstrated throughout. I felt loving permeate the room and felt bathed in it. The playfulness between Michael & Alisha was a delightful demonstration ~ Jean Zero

I experienced lifting with just about each sharing. There is a universal energy in the group which seems to reach out and touch if I am open to receive it ~ Peggy Langdo

The sharing was powerful, attuned, insightful and incredibly helpful to me personally. I gained so much from each sharing experience. So much was happening for me on so many different levels of consciousness throughout the wo
rkshop - very powerful work! ~ Rev. Dr. Louis A. Tenaglia

Here's the link if you'd like more info or to register: www.MichaelHayesApril2013.eventbrite.com

I would personally love to have you with us in the room or online! Regardl
ess, always, I wish you a blessed, grace-filled spring-may your heart bloom
with all goodness.

With love and light,


I couldn't resist-more beautiful sharings:

"It's amazing how Michael's and Alisha's sharings move me to a place beyond my thought process. They truly assist me with making my only true desire, God; which of course, assists me putting into perspective my physical level experiences." - Dave Wright

Michael has a unique ability to translate the etheric, the wordless, into form, simply and eloquently ~ Miriam Reiss, business coach

To consciously be in the higher realms for an afternoon is a gift. Michael and Alisha are gifted seers and communicators of the living Spirit. It is an honor to be in their presence ~ Martha Ringer, Consultant

I was able to so clearly see how my talk and my stories are creating my karma and blocking me from a greater awareness of Spirit ~ ZG

I experienced a greater opening into Spirit. I am inspired to go much deeper into my own inner being... :) ~ Deborah Allen-Segal

It was a wonderful experience of coming together in the presence of divinity, of witnessing the beauty, the healing and the love, magnified for us by Michael's purpose and intention, and Alisha's also. It was rising together, a confirmation of who we are here. Thank You! ~ BH

"When I participate in a workshop with Michael and Alisha there is always a profound message that obviously is coming from the purest realms of light. I get information that allow me to move forward in aspects that I didn't know until Michael brought it forward through others. Please don't stop these workshops" ~ Huasmar Lopez

"I enjoy the gentle, loving, light, playful, fun, humorous approach Michael & Alisha use" ~ Jay Scott


At the age of Michael received a profound spiritual healing for a disabling back condition. He was so moved and inspired by his experience he offered his life to serving others as he had been served. He then set about learning all he could about Spirit, healing and how to awaken beyond suffering.

Within a year, Michael met the educator, John-Roger. Upon shaking his hand, Michael had an out of body experience with Jesus where the greater purpose of his life was revealed to him.

Michael has three Masters degrees in counseling. He is an ordained minister in The Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA.org) since 1981.

He recognizes the awakening of consciousness taking place across the planet. He is stepping forward to assist with his wife, Alisha Hayes. He joins many others in transforming the world paradigm for the better.

Michael lives in Los Angeles with Alisha and his two sons.

Added by The Healing Coach on April 19, 2013

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