If you’re ready for a 21st century career, this workshop is for you!
It is hugely frustrating place to be dependent on the financial support of work that no longer excites you ~ or to be excited about work that doesn’t yet provide the financial support you require. But instead of stuffing your feelings in a futile effort to cope, I invite you to explore an entirely new field of possibility.
That sounds great, right? But right now, you’re not feeling bold ~ you’re frustrated and feeling stuck.
It is tempting, especially in today’s economy, to settle for less than what your heart and soul truly want. The fear of catastrophe can be debilitating.
Unfortunately, if you resist change when you receive a clear message from your heart you might subconsciously create a catastrophe to propel you out of your comfort zone. No one wants that.
Let’s activate your authentic power, instead.
Your authentic power is desperately needed in this changing world. As a planet, we must shift away from speculative, short-term thinking and focus instead on long-term, sustainable, egalitarian projects that help us resolve our dependence on oil, global poverty, and the many environmental crises we currently face. Whether you’ve come to explore the future of your career because of a conscious choice or because of a crisis, our sustainable global future starts with you.
Official Website: http://goo.gl/Bz8aK
Added by GetPromotd Services on June 20, 2012