Pune, Maharashtra 411004

For the first time ever, in India, a learning festival with a celebration. With a vision to bring together under one roof different methods, learnings, teachings and a discovery process – with some of world’s finest gurus, philosophers, teachers and resources…

Proudly presenting - Avyudaya – a learning festival

What is a ‘learning festival’?
Avyudaya – a new beginning :: a celebration of learning, a journey in to yourself, where you learn and discover your strengths and maximise your potential. An enriching exploration combined with an intense self discovery process.

Avyudaya will join you and take you on this journey through a deeper understanding of the multiple facets of your own personality.
Events Calendar:

1. Human Process Lab
By Dr. Zeb Waturuocha & Sukhvinder Sircar
Understanding the patterns of behaviours for self and others and how it affects relationship and effectiveness.
2nd – 6th June 2008

2. Sensuality, Sexuality & Creativity
By Sushma Sharma
Get in touch with our creative genius; awaken a dormant seed through experiential learning with simulated exercises and conceptual inputs.
2nd – 3rd June 2008

3. Appreciative Inquiry
By Sushma Sharma
The act of exploration and discovery valuing. The act of recognising the best in people around us.
5th – 6th June 2008

4. Miracles through Manifestation
By Mitesh Khatri
Realize the power of your mind to create your own destiny.
5th June 2008

5. Who Am I
By Ranganathan Iyer
Discover the higher purpose of your existence on this planet.
7th -9th June 2008

6. Power of Felt Sense
By Papiya Banerjee
Getting in touch with your felt sense to get unstuck in live issues of your life and clearing ways to move forward.
7th - 8th June 2008

7. Reiki – First Degree
By Dr. Monica Gupta
Learn to heal yourself & others through the powers of Reiki.
9th June 2008

8. Self-discovery through Creative Movement
By Tripura Kashyap
Discover a new body language to communicate and express better
12th - 13th June 2008

9. Diversity & Identity
By Vikram Bhatt
A journey, an invitation to cocreate a simultaneous and collective experience of the diverse identities and power vested in these identities.
13th – 15th June 2008

10. Learning Theatre Workshop
By Rema Kumar, Veena Sagar & Farah Khan
Experience new tonalities of expressions through theatre exercises.
14th – 15th June 2008

To see the registration fees and confirm your participation, visit events page. You can pay online using credit card or by sending in a cheque. For more details, call 020 64018173.

Official Website:

Added by SuhasiniKirloskar on May 19, 2008

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