1627 K Street, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20006

FUTURE MEDIA CONCEPTS, INC.,the nation's premier digital media training center, provides manufacturer-authorized training in all areas of digital media including digital video and film editing, web design and development, sound design, DVD authoring, 3D animation, motion graphics, desktop publishing, architectural and mechanical design and Mac IT. FMC is an authorized training provider for Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Avid, Boris FX, Digidesign, NewTek and Softimage.

Call: 202-429-9700

101 - Introduction to Avid Media Composer v3.5 - 5 days

This course provides students with exposure to the core skills, workflow, and concepts involved in nonlinear editing on Avid Media Composer system. Covers editing and effects techniques for both Macintosh and Windows systems. Session time is divided between demonstration and hands-on practice, with ample time for experimentation with sample material. This course is also appropriate for Avid Symphony users.

201 - Editing Tools and Techniques for Avid Media Composer v3.5 - 2 days

Experienced Avid Media Composer or Symphony editors gain greater productivity by mastering the system’s sophisticated editing features and tools. Students learn advanced navigation and shortcuts, along with advanced toolsets including MultiCamera, ScriptSync, and audio sweetening tools. Sessions include instructor-led demonstration and hands-on practice.

205 - Avid Media Composer Effects Tools and Techniques v3.5- 2 days
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Students learn to design multilayered and multi-nested effects on Avid Media Composer for maximum quality and optimal render time. Hands-on exercises help students create and combine effects to achieve real-world results.

239 - Introduction to Color Correction with Avid Media Composer v3.5 - 1 day

This course explains the fundamental techniques for color correcting shots or enhancing the look of clips and sequences on Avid Media Composer. Lessons are divided between demonstration and hands-on practice.

*** Class Duration: 10am-6pm ***

For more info go to www.fmctraining.com

Future Media Concepts
1627 K St NW, Suite 900
Washington DC, 20006

Tel: 202-429-9700
Fax: 202-429-9898

Official Website: http://www.fmctraining.com/fmc.asp?z=Digital+Video&v=Avid&g=Media+Composer

Added by fmctraining on October 5, 2009

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