Next Friday, Avicii is rolling in to Orlando’s UCF Arena for what’s to be his biggest House for Hunger show yet! Picture yourself and 10,000 others partying for a good cause – Feeding America – who’s mission is “to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage our country in the fight to end hunger.” Avicii along with his manager Ash Pournouri will be donating $1 Million in proceeds to help the cause. It’s going to be a magical night full of awesome vibes, at East Orlando’s premier event facility.
Tickets to the event are $45, a sick deal for a night of epic house, and you’ll feel good knowing you’re helping end hunger in America. Get in on the action, get your tickets now, here:, or for full tour information and tickets, go to:
Added by postanevent on January 20, 2012