13550 church st
guerneville, California

The Center for Sacred Studies with the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and Ava Bird proudly present:
a unique community gathering...
saturday july 31st
13550 church st
guerneville, ca

A very special community gathering celebrating the grand opening of the center for sacred studies in guerneville, ca.
A brand new space dedicated to the evolution of consciousness by honoring and sustaining indigenous ways of life, the respect and honor of Mother Earth, peace and unity through diverse spiritual practices, prayer and meditation services, reawakening ancestral wisdom in the face of severe divisive patriarchal and insane corporate destruction, solidarity with MOther Earth and Her inhabitants using cooperation, community, interconnectedness, hope and inspiration to rebalance and heal the injustices and past violences forced upon our sacred lands.
Through ceremony, cross-cultural spiritual practices, accessing the Divine Feminine and expansion of consciousness, the visionary founders are reawakening and lighting the path for the next 7 generations and in all corners of the universe. Through a responsible revolution in values, passing down of indigenous rituals and traditions and ways to preserve our culture, we seek to organize and unify women who heal the planet, share natural healing methods and medicinal herbs, sponsor elders who hold ancient healing practices with sacred plants. In building solid alliances to rescue our planet, save our communities and sustain life on this planet, these visionary women elders are bravely, vigorously confronting oppressors and sharing prophecies on the urgency of releasing past patterns of war and aggression, paternal hierarchies, genocidal occupations and theft of Mother Earths precious resources. Through gathering, sharing and releasing, the original tribal societies consulted the elder grandmothers counsel as the final authority on vital community issues and are once again becoming the new wise voice reawakening the spirit of cooperation to reach justice, peace and abundance for all.
please join us! fun for the whole family!

help your grandmothers!

featuring very special speakers, artists, musicians, poets and writers highlighting the everyday sacred!
very special guests include:

leslene della-madre: shamanic elder mid-wife channel of ancestral and earth mother wisdom
clive matson: legendary bay area poet and writing teacher, voted 2006 'best writing teacher' award
shazam: (aka suzanne cimone) magical weaver of music and words for healing
jamie erfurdt: dakini inspired visual artist, painter, healer and teacher
jeanne lupton: poet, performer, reflexologist and writing workshop/retreat leader

ava bird: host, prophetic poetic!
plus others!!
this indoor/outdoor free event kicks off at 5pm with a community potluck (please bring a sacred food dish to share with your community), great entertainment, music and dancing, poetry and enlightened speakers, a sunset drum circle jam and a whole lot of family fun!
this event is free and open to the public...
children and the elderly welcome...
donations are welcome and appreciated.

**a community walk, open for everyone, through armstrong woods begins at 4pm and commences with a sacred prayer circle under the ol' redwoods led by community elder and author leslene della madre.
~~please meet in the parking lot of armstrong woods at 4pm.
for more information, please call valerie hausmann at the center for sacred studies: 707-604-7362
the center for sacred studies in conjunction with the 13 indigenous grandmothers
13550 church st
guerneville, ca 95446
~~**the samadhi life store, located inside the center, boasts a unique and eclectic collection of spiritual tools, books, jewelry and artwork for sale to the general public. SUPPORT THE ARTS!! THANK YOU!


The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

Added by avabird on July 20, 2010

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