1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Class meets for 6 Thursdays beginning October 16th.

We will explore music as a spiritual practice and a path to opening our hearts and uncovering our true nature.
We will engage in a wide range of musical experiences from traditional and contemporary traditions, with a focus on women’s expressions, designed to open our hearts and create equanimity, joy, ecstasy, and healing.
Our time together will include sessions of toning, chanting, harmony and rhythm, improvisational sounding, meditation and silence, in a safe, humorous and sacred environment.
No musical experience is necessary.

To Register please send check for $165 to Edge of Wonder
PO Box 6181 Albany, CA 94706

For info e-mail jennifer(the@sign)edgeofwonder.com

Added by Edge of Wonder on August 5, 2008

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