4655 118th Ave. N Unit B, Clearwater, FL
Clearwater, Florida 33762

We guarantee that all repairs are overseen by an ASE Master Certified Technician.
This means that he is certified in all areas of automotive repair, including: engine repair,
automatic transmission / transaxle, manual drive train and axles, suspension and steering, brakes,
electrical / electronics systems, heating and air conditioning, and engine performance.
Visit our auto repair services page for a complete list of products and services.
With vehicles being so complex, many people have to rely on a trusted automotive
mechanic to do their vehicle maintenance and automotive repairs.
It's important to keep up automotive maintenance for several reasons.
Safety and dependability are two main concerns when owning a car or truck.
Also, certain maintenance has to be completed within the manufacturers suggested time frames or
it could jeopardize your automotive warranty.

Official Website: http://www.petersonautoandtruck.com/

Added by Nguyen Thuy on June 22, 2012

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