Author Success Workshop:
Self-Publishing Made Easy
Date May 2, 2009
LocationBoca Raton Marriott at Boca Center 5150 Town Center Cir Boca Raton, FL 33486
Time 9:00am - 12pm
Cost $149.00 (First 20 Registrants pay the early-bird price of $99.00)
Instruction level Beginning/Intermediate writers who want to get their book in print and spawn additional products from their books.
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Course Description
Maintain the rights to your book project and profits. Self Publish. Self-publishing isnt as hard as you may think. William will explain the process to you in a way thatll make you comfortable enough to start the process once you leave the class. Well help you develop a timeline to guide your project to completion.
The course book that youll receive will give you a list of every type of resource you'll need to get started including: Editors, Printers, Book cover design software, Book interior layout software, llustrators, Book festivals, Independent bookstores in every state, And a host of other contacts to get your book on store shelves - earning maximum profit.
Maximize The Profit of Your Book By Creating Spin-off Products
Well teach you how to maximize the profit of your book by conducting workshops, booking speaking engagements, and creating spin-off products such as eBooks, CDs, DVDs, and updated editions.
Most self-publishing authors want answers to the following major questions:
Should you start a publishing company yourself or hire a self-publishing company?
How do you apply for a copyright?
What company will allow you to design and maintain control of your own website?
Why do you need an ISBN # and a barcode?
How do you find and market to your target audience?
What printer will print your book in paperback for with a color cover for only $105.00?
How do you get reviews for your book?
How can I get my book on,, and Barnes &
How do you set up wholesale distribution accounts with the two major book distributors, Ingram and Baker & Taylor?
How do you contact the press to secure interviews to promote your book?
After taking this workshop youll have all the information you need to get your book in print and market it effectively.
If you have a finished manuscript, you can walk away from this workshop with the knowledge and know-how to have your finished, printed book in your hand in 30 days.
The best marketing agent for your product is you. No one will have the passion, sincerity, and drive for your project that you do. You created it, you understand it, and you can make a living from it. Well give you the direction to do it all.
The success of your book project is ultimately in your hands. We give you the tools to get your project off the shelf and into the hands of purchasing customers.
Register for this workshop now!
Only $99.00 for the first 20 Registrants.
Organized by eMerge Publishing Group, LLC
Ticket Info: Early-Bird, $79.00
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