121 Northwest Point Blvd
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007

When you know who you are, you know what to do. Leaders emerge as opportunity arises and professional skills are honed. Authenticity emerges as leaders choose self-awareness and pursue the path to being genuine and purposeful. Authenticity is the most important quality of successful leaders – the way to build trust and establish significant relationships.

Combine this with our Certified ScrumMaster June 16-17, 2008

Discovering your purpose, passion, and values is the key to your personal power and authenticity. This unique, experiential seminar will provide an opportunity for self-discovery, a common language regarding passion and values, and resources to clarifying your purpose as a leader and team member. At the end if the day you will:

§ Recognize distinctions between positional and personal leadership

§ Recognize the importance of authentic leadership to team and organizational initiatives

§ Understand how core passion drives thoughts and actions; better understand your core passion

§ Gain individual perspective about ethics and a language to talk about your personal values

§ Gain confidence in expressing unique perspectives and creative ideas within a team or group situation

§ Know why authenticity is the most important quality of successful leaders


Lori Palm, modern-day muse and entrepreneur for over 35 years, inspires possibilities and sees unseen business opportunities. She is the creator of the Passion Portal Assessment Tool guiding people and businesses to use the energy of core passion in developing a plan for their future.

Ann Wagner, MA, founded Practical Leadership in 1998. She brings clients passion and expertise for creating pathways to success – by creating powerful teams, involving employees in important work, and developing new leaders to inspire stronger organizations.

Douglas E. Shimp is a CST (Certified ScrumMaster Trainer) Use Case expert and Agile Process expert. He has been workiing with numerous companies helping them transition to an effective product development apporach. He has 17 years experience in the technology field. One of his distinctions is his focus on the interaction of technology and corporate cultural issues. He is currently writing a book on "Team Capital." He is certified ScrumMaster Trainer and Coach by the Scrum Alliance.

Your can find a list of our public courses at 3Back as well as more information.

Official Website: http://authentic-leadership-agile.eventbrite.com/

Added by 3back on March 26, 2008

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