6th & Brazos
Austin, Texas

ROOM CHANGE AT BUFFALO: We will be meeting downstairs in The Lounge instead of upstairs.

The Austin on Rails Happy Hour (sponsored this year by FiveRuns) is designed to get as many Rails developers and enthusiasts in the same room as possible to meet and greet and have a good time. SXSW will be bringing in several Rails folks from around the world. Rumor has it that the Stikkiteers, Rails Core Team Member Marcel Molina, Jr., Geoffrey Grosenbach, the host of the Ruby on Rails podcast, and Scott Raymond (sco), author of AJAX on Rails, will be in the house!

The event is open to anyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails. You do not have to be attending SXSW to attend this event, however you must RSVP to [scales] [at] [pobox.com] if you do not have a SXSWi badge.

The organizers of the event will be providing beverages and appetizers. Take up a game of pool on one of eight tables, throw some darts (hopefully not at each other), or test your mad skills at a game of shuffleboard. Buffalo Billiards is a 21+ establishment.

We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Attention All SXSW Attendees:

Rails and AJAX: Building Enterprise-Class Web Applications

Steven Smith, CEO, FiveRuns
Marcel Molina, FiveRuns, and Rails Core team member

March 12th, 3:30PM, Ballroom F
SXSWi badge required

Please join the speakers, Steven and Marcel, after the session at Buffalo Billiards to continue the conversation.

Official Website: http://austinonrails.org/pages/sxsw2007

Added by damonc on February 12, 2007



Can't Wait!


Calling all Rails hackers...tell your friends...

filmguerilla: yeah!


If you're interested in Rails, but want to also attend the Yahoo! party, please come on by the Rails event first.

We would love to meet you.


Hey I'm just now getting into Rails but would love to meet some local gurus.


Hope you don't mind, but I'd like to throw in an OpenID meetup at the same time/place seeing as how we've got a good overlap of interested folks...