February 2006 Meeting
Austin On Rails exists to encourage learning and sharing of knowledge about the Ruby on Rails web app development framework.
URL: http://austinonrails.org/
Speaker: Bruce Tate
Bruce Tate is a father, mountain biker, and independent consultant from Austin, Texas. He is a reforming Java developer with six books, including Beyond Java. He has two books nearing completion, including Rails: Up and Running (with Curt Hibbs), and From Java to Ruby.
Topic: Rails Project Experiences
* Ramping up a Java team to do Ruby development
* Building in reporting with Active Record reflection
* Working with large source trees with read-only access
* Challenges
Rails Hack-a-thon
Bring your laptop and let's throw together a Rails app. We were thinking that it would be fun to write a member directory app for this web site, but if you have a better idea we are open. To participate in coding, please make sure you have Ruby, Rails and MySQL installed.
Added by damonc on February 18, 2006