Capital Area Food Bank of Texas presents the 17th Annual Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Waterloo Park (12th & Trinity)
11:00am - 5:30pm
Admission is FREE with a donation of three non-perishable food items for the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas.
If you are interested in participating in the Hot Sauce Festival, entry forms will run the in the Chronicle during the month of August and can be downloaded online as well! Bring one quart of your sauce, your entry form, and $20 the day of the event between 10:30 and 11:30am.
The Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival, which began in 1990, has become the world's largest, drawing as many as 15,000 spectators and more than 350 entries every year. This year the Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival will take place on Sunday, August 26 at Waterloo Park in Austin, Texas.
In the seventeen years since its inception, what started out as a small contest with a few spectators has turned into one of Austin's biggest and best-known annual parties. The event is a favorite among hot and spicy food lovers from all over the country. The Hot Sauce Festival serves as a major fundraiser for the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas. Last year’s Festival raised approximately $5,500 and over 17,500 lbs. of food in a six hour period.
The outstanding musical performances and culinary exhibitions are notable attractions, but the biggest draws are the salsas. More than one hundred gallons of hot sauce are consumed at the event every year. Area restaurants show off their hot and spicy foods at booths, and vendors from across the Southwest set up shop to sell hot and spicy cookbooks, fresh peppers, and chili pepper memorabilia.
To participate in the contest, download the entry form, fill it out, and check in at Waterloo Park between 10:30-11:30am on Sunday, Aug. 26, with one quart of your best sauce. We'll take it from there. Then join the rest of the crowd for plenty of salsa, great food, music, and the results.
For more information about participating in the contest e-mail Elizabeth Derczo.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need folks who can handle the heat for a couple of hours to help with load-in, set-up, load-out, and the tasting tent. If you think you're up for it, for details, contact Jillian Lobstein as soon as possible. Early shifts fill up fast!
For media inquiries contact Erin Collier.
Music Line-up on the Planet K Stage:
11-11:30am - Hydmen
Noon - 12:30pm - Anthropos
1 - 2pm - Buttercup
2:30 - 3:30pm - Two Hoots & A Holler
4:00 - 5:15pm - Mother Truckers
Official Website:
Added by zhaoshouren on August 22, 2007