710 W 6th St Ste B
Austin, Texas 78701

AMA Celebrates 30 Years in Austin

Networking Happy Hour

Break out your mood ring and flashback as we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Austin Chapter of the American Marketing Association. Dress as your favorite 70’s movie character, television personality, rock star, disco diva, or groovy dude—and you could win 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize.

Costume optional

Appetizers provided
1st drink is complementary
Cash bar
Members attend at no charge

Event Prices
Regular Registration-October 14th to October 27th at noon
Members with RSVP: $0
Non-members with RSVP: $15.00
Student members with RSVP: $5.00

Late Registration-12:01 pm on October 27th until Onsite Registration
Members without RSVP: $0
Non-members without RSVP: $20.00
Students without RSVP: $10.00

The online registration cut off time is Monday October 27, 2008 at 12:00pm (noon!) CST


Note: If you have an issue with event registration, programs or e-mails, please e-mail the appropriate contact below:

Event Registration - Tracy Sullivan, VP of Membership, membership@austinama.org

Programs - Robyn Milder, VP of Programs, programs@austinama.org

E-Mail Communications - Desiree Brooks, Director of E-Mail Communications, email@austinama.org

Official Website: http://www.austinama.org

Added by Miss_Piggy on October 20, 2008

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