A special Flag Day concert with the Aurora American Legion Band of Roosevelt-Aurora Post No. 84 will be held on Sunday, June 14th at 3:00 p.m. at McCarty Park. The free concert, sponsored by the City of Aurora is in celebration of Flag Day.
Welcome Fellow Tea Partiers,
As you should know, we are Taxed Enough Already. We are a grass roots campaign to gather supporters against excessive taxation and the over burdened governments’ infringement of our freedoms guaranteed within the US Constitution. We want American Sovereignty over One World Government. We believe the US Constitution is the law of this Land and should be revered as sacred and as thus, honored.
This isn’t about political affiliation. This isn’t among racial, gender, rich, poor, employed or unemployed. This isn’t anything along the mass media induced class warfare. The issue in our American Society of most importance isn’t Gay Marriage … it isn’t about Global Warming. Yet the media portrays such major followings for such issues. The media has refused to acknowledge the Tea Party Protest on April 15, 2009. We had better than 1 Million activists in more than 350 cities nationwide in all 50 States.
The main issues affecting the regular people like us taxpaying schmucks, IS the excessive drain on our incomes to support a conglomerate organization. Plus, the infringements on our freedom as put forth by the Bill Of Rights. Freedom of Assembly is of essence today. Basically, what it’s come down to is this. We as American Citizens have been asleep at the wheel. We have allowed our trust in the Government to be run ram shod by the elected officials currently governing Our Great Country. We need to get Our Country and State back by gathering the masses and getting involved.
We are currently planning a rally on Flag Day, June 14, 2009 at McCarthy Park in Aurora, Il. This is a free concert by the Aurora American Legion Band of Roosevelt-Aurora Post No. 84. honoring Our Flag and what it represents. Remembering the memories of our fallen comades that have carried Her proudly. The plan is to mobilize at 12 noon til the concert begins at 3 PM. Our rally intends to focus love of this Country and on our disenchantment with government and the excessive taxation. We need people interested in learning more and becoming active in the cause to take Our Country back from the grips of One World Government. Volunteers locally will be the strength of this voice against misrepresentation of our values of America, misappropriation of our hard earned funding through taxation and fees on services we have already paid for once.
Please respond to this call on your core beliefs that are under assault and join the effort. We need people willing to bring out the voices disenchanted with the direction of every level of government. If interested or curious, e-mail comments to :
Thank you in advance for your passion,
Since this is not set to go as yet, If you would like to volunteer, contact
Added by iwojo59 on May 14, 2009
This can be done Statewide in each city ... it's time we Citizens took a stand and get it right !!!