308 Bowery
New York, New York 10012

Auralfixia schools you this September for an evening of queer culture as N is proud to present Gender Studies, a look at all aspects and facets of queer sexuality and performance including Drag, Burlesque, Spoken Word, Music & Pornography!

Come down to the Bowery on Thursday September 2nd at 10 p.m. for an evening of AIR-CONDITIONED QUEER sensuality. Doors open at 10. Open-Mic Pre-Show starts at 10:15 SHARP! 2 slots only!

Auralfixia is intellectual...burlesque...redefined..

Hosted by N as LADY NANA

with the drag/burlesque talents of

MargOh Channing
Goldie Peacock
BB Heart
Leta Le Noir

Music talent by
Charlie Demos

SXXXY Readers
Brandon B.
Susan Herr of Dapper Q

& Multimedia Entertainment by

and more!

Directions & Showtimes
Thursday September 2nd @ 10
Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery (btwn Bleecker & Houston)
F Train to 2nd ave

For Reservations call 347-441-0771
For Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/123866

For Press Inquiries Contact N at crimsonkittyproductions@gmail.com


Produced by Crimson Kitty Productions – www.crimsonkitty.com

Official Website: http://www.auralfixia.com

Added by agentn79 on August 15, 2010

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