With the election just a few weeks away, AuH2O is hosting a third and final fashion show fundraiser for Obama on Friday, October 24. The past two AuH2Obama shows were so successful that we just had to have one more before the 4th. This show will be at KABIN in the East Village, 92 2nd Avenue b/t 5th and 6th Streets at 10pm.
All models in the show will walk the runway in Obama wear. We'll be selling Obama tops for only $20 and dresses for $40 (50% of the profits going to the campaign.) We'll be handing out free Obama buttons, stickers, and window signs. Grab a bunch and send them to your family and friends in swing states!
There is no cover charge for the show, drinks will be only $4 for beer, wine, and well. Cupcakes will be for sale for $1, and any additional donations will go to the campaign. We will feature the jewelry of Patricia Alonso, who will also be selling her pieces and donating a percentage to the campaign. The show will start at 9pm, though DJ Avi Flombaum will spin all night.
For more info and pictures on the previous shows, or to see the flier, check my blog: http://blog.auh2odesigns.com. Email me if you have any questions.
Hope to see you there!
Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gs5wxj
Added by MyBO on October 13, 2008