Jim McCarty has been an avid birder for years and chronicles his sightings and stories in his column, Aerial View, published weekly by the Plain Dealer. In recent years he has had company on his adventures as his son Bret has become an avid birder in his own right. In what should prove to be a very entertaining presentation, Jim and Bret will tell of the joys of father-and-son birding. They will relate what triggered their interest in birding and tell of some of the birding adventures they’ve had together: a trips to Manitoba and North Dakota, Washington and British Columbia and Colorado as well as the familiar haunts of birds here in Ohio. They will talk about their first pelagic trip together and a failed chase for the Ivory Gull in Plymouth, Mass. this past winter. Their stories will be illustrated with photos from their on the road exploits.
James McCarty & Bret McCarty
Jim McCarty is a reporter for the Cleveland Plain Dealer and author of the Aerial View column that has appeared in the Inside-Outside section of the PD every Thursday for the past three years. Birders and nature enthusiasts eagerly read his columns every week chronicling the best of Northeast Ohio birding. Bret McCarty is a sophomore at St. Ignatius High School and is a rising star in the world of Ohio birding. He is active with the Ohio Young Birder’s Club.
Added by cmnhmarketing2664 on December 8, 2009