The Stanford Savoyards announce auditions for
Gilbert and Sullivan's
The Gondoliers,
or, The King of Barataria.
Fully Staged with Orchestra
Performances at Dinkelspiel Auditorium on the Stanford campus:
April 17, 8pm
April 18, 8pm
April 25, 8pm
April 26, 2:30pm
All Auditions by appointment
Audition Times:
Wed. 1/14 7-9pm in Dink Rehearsal Hall (basement of Dinkelspiel Auditorium)
Thurs. 1/15 7-9pm in Braun Music Center Rm. 103
Sat. 1/17 11am-2pm in Braun Rm. 103
Callbacks - Sun. 1/18 12-3pm
Non-AEA, no pay, all roles are open. All voice parts desired.
To make an appointment, email
with a couple of preferred times.
NOTE: Preference will be given to Stanford students in casting.
Notwithstanding, non-students are still welcomed and encouraged to
audition. (It is a big show, after all!)
PREPARATION: Be prepared to sing, and act; dress to move. Bring sheet
music in your key. No tapes will be permitted, as an accompanist will
be provided. Songs from The Gondoliers are okay however songs from
other shows are strongly encouraged. Arrive early to fill out paper
work and bring a conflict calendar. If you have a resume and
headshot, bring it.
REHEARSALS: Sunday, Monday and Wednesday evenings 7pm-10pm, Saturday
from 11am-2pm, beginning Jan. 19, 2009. Not everyone called every
TECH WEEK: April 11-15, 2009 No Conflicts!
If you would like to participate in the production staff or crew,
please let us know by phone or email. The Stanford Savoyards is a
Volunteer Student Organization at Stanford University. Cast members
will be expected to contribute time to the mounting of the production
(sets, costumes, marketing, sales, etc.) in addition to rehearsal and
performance time.
Our two Gondolier heroes, Marco and Giuseppe, have it all. They are
incredibly handsome, sing magnificently, have beautiful brides... and of
course get to sing in boats. Most importantly one of them is even the
King of Barataria! But which one is it, Marco or Giuseppe? Everyone
wants to know!
The Duke of Plaza Toro wants to know because his family's fortune
depends upon him!
The Grand Inquisitor wants to know because his confusion must be
resolved by him!
Beautiful Casilda wants to know because she must marry him (and won't
his current wife be surprised)!
Come join the fun as they sing and dance their way from the Piazettas
of Italy to the Courts of Barataria, solving the mystery without
missing a beat of Gilbert and Sullivan's wonderful score. The
Gondoliers features a full orchestra, a full chorus, and is fully
More info on The Gondoliers is available at:
More info on the Stanford Savoyards available at:
Map and directions to Dinkelspiel and Braun Music Center:
Official Website:
Added by jry_yaeger on January 3, 2009