Dr Aubrey de Grey of the Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, will update us on progress on the Mprize and on new developments in SENS research. From the Mprize's website: “The Mprize is the premiere effort of the Methuselah Foundation and is being offered to the scientific research team which develops the longest living Mus musculus, the breed of mouse most commonly used in scientific research. Developing interventions which work in mice is a critical precursor to the development of human anti-aging techniques, for once it is demonstrated that aging in mice can be effectively delayed or reversed, popular attitudes towards aging as 'inevitable' will no longer be possible. When aging in mice is shown to be 'treatable' the funding necessary for a full-line assault on the aging process will be made available. This is the true power of the Mprize, to demonstrate a proof of principle, and give hope to the world that decline in function and age-related disease are no longer guarantees, for us, or for future generations, if we work together now.”
The event will take place at Conway Hall (Bertrand Russel room).
And if you want to meet before the event, we’ll be at the Penderel's Oak from 12.30 for lunch (we also move back to the pub for drinks and conversation after the event). If it is your first time at an ExtroBritannia event, look out for a copy of Kurzweil's "The Singularity is Near" at our table (picture: http://tinyurl.com/eejgx)
The Penderel's Oak
283-288 High Holborn
London WC1V 7HJ
Tel: 0207 242 5669
Nearest tube: Holborn
ExtroBritannia is the monthly public event of the UK Transhumanist Association:
The ExtroBritannia mailing list:
Official Website: http://www.extrobritannia.blogspot.com
Added by estropico on October 10, 2006