Attract/Repel, the latest in the thematic series of art and science exhibitions at CENTRAL BOOKING Gallery II, features the work of artists who deal with the physics of push/pull magnetism, the electricity of being and a glow in the sky from light years away.
Curator: Maddy Rosenberg
Participating Artists:
Julia Büttelmann, Leanne Bell Gonczarow, Carter Hodgkin, Katherine Jackson, Martha Lewis, Pamela Matsuda-Dunn, Enzo Perin, Tom Phillips, W. David Powell, Carolyn Prescott, Barbara Rosenthal, Alan Rosner, Paul Tecklenberg, Peter Thomashow, Torino: Margolis, Julian Voss-Andreae, Claire Watkins
Official Website:
Added by margszie on November 3, 2010