An Evening of Life Purpose Meditations:
Attract Fulfilling Careers and Rewarding Employment
Hosted by North NYC Lightworkers
Monday, August 31, 2009
6pm to 9pm
241 West 30th Street - 2nd Floor, Room 3
Between 7th and 8th Avenues
New York, NY 10001
As humankind evolves toward a new paradigm of global consciousness, many are experiencing radical shifts in employment. Our truest essence, the soul, often gives us signs and symbols to follow paths for the highest good and best intentions. However, fear-based presumptions and old beliefs about work and money impair truly rewarding opportunities. What is it you really want to do? What brings you the most joy and satisfaction? By silencing our minds to worn-out mental tapes, our hearts open to receive divine information which comes from the soul's origin.
If you are at a crossroads because of feeling limited or stuck by so-called "economic downturns" -- in fact, it's really enthusiastic upswings -- attend our meditation seminar to create, develop, and sustain tremendous possibilities! Transfer imaginative ideas into actual realities! We gather in the White Light for breathing exercises, guided visualizations, and insightful tools for clarity and deeper understanding. See this as career counseling with a spiritual twist! Allow your passions to intuitively reveal heart's desires through Divine Source.
Before accepting another job, come to our uplifting seminar! Embrace abundance, prosperity, creativity, renewal, sense of peace, gratification, flexibility…everything and anything you want, it's YOURS! Prepare for life-affirming and positive transitions!
Seminar fee is $42 required in advance. Invest in the POWER OF YOU to claim great jobs and flourishing careers!
The seminar is expected to fill up quickly, and we strongly recommend making online reservations:
For other payment arrangements, call (646) 305-0424 or e-mail We look forward to sharing with you a wonderful evening of inspirational growth!
Official Website:
Added by Dana Marie on August 8, 2009